Kacper Pempel /路透社


Unproven, unaccountable, and unhelpful for reducing the nuclear threat.


Unproven, unaccountable, and unhelpful for reducing the nuclear threat.

安克雷奇以北六小时车程, 阿拉斯加, 躺着一个庞大的, 被冰雪覆盖的军事基地,名叫格里利堡. 向南三千英里, 外隆波克, 加州, 另一个主要基地是范登堡空军基地.

The two bases are linked by a unique security objective: to destroy nuclear-tipped missiles bound for the United States, should they ever be launched from North Korea or another hostile state.

不幸, the United States has invested tens of billions of dollars in a system that has not proven to work under real-world conditions—a practical reality that more money and research won't fix. 更重要的是, missile defense systems create other problems including potential overconfidence in the defense and incentive for adversaries to build more nuclear weapons.


被称为“陆基中段防御”(GMD), the system’s basic premise is simple: incoming warheads are tracked by radar and satellite and targeted by defensive “interceptor” missiles, launched from the bases in 阿拉斯加 and 加州—a task sometimes described as “hitting a bullet with a bullet.”

The Union of Concerned Scientists has analyzed the technical and political aspects of missile defense for more than three decades. Though the idea of a missile shield may sound attractive, 今天的国土系统非常昂贵, 适得其反, and offers no proven capability to protect the United States—and no credible path forward for achieving success.

监督 & 问责制

导弹防御系统应该保护美国公众. 证据表明,事实并非如此.

Most military systems face mandatory oversight and 问责制 requirements, 开发以保证项目按时完成, 以成本价, and to make sure they work as the military needs them to work.

The current system—started by the Bush administration in a post-9/11 security environment—was exempted from many of the normal, 例程, and important requirements and only parts of this oversight have been reinstated.

结果是, the system has had a poor test record even under a limited range of simplified conditions.

Early analysis by the Union of Concerned Scientists also showed how 对策 就像诱饵弹头可以轻易击败导弹防御系统, an issue never credibly addressed by administration officials.

As it exists today, the system could not guarantee protection in a realistic scenario. 这是潜在的危险:政策制定者, 被误导相信导弹防御系统的有效性, may act in ways that increase the likelihood of conflict. It also can be a barrier to deep cuts in the nuclear arsenals of 俄罗斯 and China, 谁把它作为维持更多武器的理由.


从80年代开始, various politicians have floated the idea of “space-based missile defense”—a system aimed at knocking missiles down, 使用部署在地球轨道上的拦截器.

The hypothetical benefit of such a system is that it is not susceptible to the kind of 对策 that limit the effectiveness of the current ground-based system. The disadvantage is that it would be extremely vulnerable to anti-satellite weapons, 非常昂贵, 而且对中国极具挑衅性, 俄罗斯, 以及其他拥有核武器的国家.
